Once you begin law school, it can feel like you’ve put wheels in motion and that it might never stop.
If you’ve just graduated, chances are high that nothing has stopped—you’re likely going full speed ahead preparing for the bar exam.

Sometimes, it can be helpful to find ways to at least hit a pause button.
Sometimes, it can be helpful to acknowledge or even feed your adrenaline to harness that momentum.
This song’s lyrics are repetitive—almost like a chant or a mantra.
It’s easy to sink into, and just let the beats give you that extra juice.
 Lyrics you might like: 
I put the wheels in motion
Put it all on everything
And it feels like
I may never slow down
If you’re feeling like right now is the time to put it all on everything, don’t be shy.

Feed that adrenaline rush.
Harness that momentum.